Meet Our School Counselor, Mr. Newsome!

Note from the Counseling Corner:

Junior and Senior Announcement!

Hello Juniors and Seniors! It is time for you all to start thinking about Next Steps. What is it that you each want to do once you graduate from high school? There are many opportunities that are available for you to think about and research now.

I would like for you to each create a collegeboard account. You can start by going to Here you will be able to take some career inventories and get a substantial amount of information about jobs. You will also be able to enroll to take the SAT which is a college entrance exam if you are a student who is interested in attending college.

Seniors can also start to complete their FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid)
You can also sign up for a Free Informational meeting which will take place on December 12, 2023.

Step 1: Go to
Step 2. Scroll Down to Big Future
Step 3. Click Details Tab
Step 4.Click the Real Talk Tab to register